1) The interpretation of your mountainous trauma is the first stone to turn that hinders reaching any summit

2) I want to offer the psychological telescope to read what the elephants in the room are writing on the walls

3) Maybe the ‘Big bang’ was the mother-verse self-actualizing…it blew Her mind, literally

4) You are a mini-universe, exploding outwardly in every decision you make

5) Wisdom comes at a cost, wrinkles are the currency

6) Your experiences interpret what you see, and what you choose not to; Don’t let the particulates of your past clog the filter of your future

7) Emotions are tied to survival because what we feel is connected to our personal progresses or hindrances

8) How are you going to attend church on Sunday? That’s literally God’s ONLY day off

9) Compulsions are baked in to our subconscious, expressing itself through personality

Northern California